Monday 21 March 2011


Since I was around 10yrs old I have had penfriends, or more so these days e friends. The excitement I felt getting a letter in the post, from some far away place still is with me today. My first was Carla from Canada and we were both 10 yrs old. We are still in contact even now at age 52 which I think is pretty amazing.
When I was 15 I had a penpal called Susan and one day we met up, over the years we lost touch and our lives moved on, so can you imagine how wonderful it was to hear from her again. The picture in this post is of me and Susan as teenagers.
Now days I still have many wonderful friends all over the place, and even if I never meet them I still think of them as friends.
So thanks Susan, Darian, April, Janie, Sandi,Carla and Jane I'm glad to know you.

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