Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Jollyjillys - Tomorrow

Today over at the Gallery Sticky Fingers we were given the theme " Tomorrow". For me there were a few things like would like, to be a size 12 again, or no lines on my face, or wish my parents were around.
However, the thing that really stuck was my children. It only seems like yesturday that they were tiny. I remember looking at my daughter Natalie and thinking oh dear this child will need me for years and years! Oh how time flys and how much joy have they brought to my life. For those who have small children enjoy them while you can. Drink in all those moments even if they are driving you insane. My son Matthew has grown into a wonderful, caring young man and my pride for him was mind blowing , when he married the lovely Karen last year.

When i think of tomorrow my daughter Natalie now takes up my thoughts. In september she is getting married to the great Robin. Natalie and I are very close, although at times she is a totally pain. I am so looking forward to seeing her walk into the church with her dad, I'm sure I will be a mess but happy.

So enjoy your children what ever there age and make your tomorrow special. Have lots of fun days and I hope they grow into wonderful adults like mine.
Tomorrow is a special day if you have great kids!


  1. what a truly great tomorrow that will be - seeing her walk down that aisle - as mother to 3 girls thats on my list of great tomorrows to look forward to x

  2. Simple and meaningful. Great you welcome their partners into your life too and hope I am as generous in time.
    My attempt at the Gallery is over at

  3. This is beautiful...My daughter is only 15 weeks and I want to enjoy every single second of her. My mum looks at me and my sister and says how quick its gone.x

  4. Thanks really enjoy your little girl as they really grow up so fast. Thanks for all the nice comments please follow and come back soon

  5. Oh wow, what a fantastic post. I'm enjoying every second while I can, he's 22 months.

  6. Thanks it only seems seconds ago when my little boy was that age, he will be 30 this year!!!!


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