Tuesday 24 January 2012

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is something I am trying to put into place this week. I have been a bit slow on blog post this past week, and that is a hard thing for me. Those that read my blog ( and I thank you x) will know that I have chronic pain most of the time. It is very hard to motivate yourself some days and like last week pain levels are so high, it really is enough to get up out of bed.
When I had the pleasure to visit America a few years ago, I was watching T.V and came across a lady called Leslie Sansone. She was doing a fitness class that was not filled with young women in tiny outfits, but every age range and size. She was walking on the spot and I joined in and loved it.
I went out to the store and found a DVD that I could use and brought it back to the UK.
I found that even after a major operation it was perfect to help me recover as it is so easy and you can take it at your pace.

Over the years I have used this DVD but then like most of us it got forgotten.
So because of the Arthritis I have I know that I need to move even if it is only a little bit.
I'm scared to walk outside because I never know if things will lock up, and sometimes positive thinking is hard to do.
Recently I have been listening to my wonderful Thinking Slimmer download which helps to encourage me to do more. They are great downloads and if you go to www.thinkingslimmer.com you can read more.

So I went online to find a new Walk at home DVD. So just for those in the UK I believe I got mine from Amazon, so it is possible to purchase in this country.
I decided on the Walk off 10 pounds as it also came with a meal plan. To be honest I am just counting calories but it is still handy to have.

It is a great DVD as it gives you everything is parts, so you can do as little or a lot depending on how things are today.
Some that can really do a lot of fitness may look at it as too easy, but hey anything that gets my body moving is good as far as I think. I am trying to get in 10,000 steps a day but some days its just not happening. That's ok I have to not beat myself up about that and keep up the thinking positive.

This week is a good week and pain levels have dropped somewhat which makes me feel a lot less miserable and angry. I am never going to be pain free but I have to live my life as best I can. I can't let pain be my boss I have to be in control.

So if you have problems or want something that doesn't require a top athlete to do try the walk at home DVD's. It is the best money I have ever spent.
Go and get thinking positive we can do it .


  1. Chronic pain is so bad great post

  2. thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I am a new follower.

    Movement is key for arthritis! I tried the walk at home DVD. It made me sweat!! I didn't think it would do anything but it does :)

  3. My pleasure Abbie you are right they do make you sweet lol


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