Monday, 24 November 2014

Baby shower magic

I am a little late this Monday with joining up with The olivers madhouse linky. Normally I am ready and can't wait to share. This past weekend has been very busy as it was my daughter Natalie's baby shower. Its been an exciting year for us as a family. In June this year our first grandchild was born his dad being my son Matthew (my oldest) and his mum Karen. He came a bit early and even made his own baby shower lol. He had just arrived when my daughter told she was expecting a baby. Wow in the space of a week we had one grandson and another grandchild on the way lol.

Natalie has not always been well and there have been some worries during the pregnancy but thankfully things are going ok.
So this weekend was her baby shower and both my husband and I worked really hard to make a special day for her. She invited lots of friends and thankfully on the day lots turned up, there will always be people who say they are coming but for whatever reason can't on the day, which is always a worry but the numbers were good.

My husband was doing all the food ! he is an excellent cook and well used to cooking for lots of people so had no worries there. When all the food was laid out I think you will agree it looked fab.

My job was the cake and the decorations which I really enjoyed doing. I also had lots of helpers so the work went fast.

The kind climber is the future Uncle Colin and the guy in the blue shirt the future Daddy Ian. We had lots  of fun games which my daughter in law was in charge of and much fun had by all.

It was very hard work but I think Mummy and Daddy had a good time and so did all the guest I hope.


  1. Looks like a lovely day! That spread of food looks yummy and it sounds like it was a great fun afternoon. Magyar congratulations and good luck :) #MagicMoments

  2. It looks like it was a fun day, I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. It's great that all the effort didn't go to waste and lots of people turned up. I bet you're excited to meet the little one now. Popping in from Magic Moments.

    1. It was and lots came which was nice for everyone . Yes always nice to have a new person to love lol

  3. Looks like a really fun day. Those cakes look fantastic!

  4. Thank you it was fun and even tough the cake was hard to make I was proud of it

  5. What a fun day! The cake looks amazing. #MagicMoments

    1. It was Abigail and thank you I was pleased with the cake


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