Monday, 10 August 2015

Proud mum

I have had a weight issue most of my life. I have been very slim and very overweight like now. I have to say I have spent more hours worrying about my size than living my life! Sadly my youngest also suffers with weight issues. She got on better with her life than I did but it still has had effects.
Then a couple of years ago she was so unhappy and felt that diets and fitness were having no results. So she decided to go and have a gastric bypass which was a big thing to do.
Now I can't say its all been plain sailing and she has also had a baby, but all in all she has done so well. She lost in total 15 stone ( 14 pounds to a stone for my overseas readers) which I think you will agree is a totally mind blowing amount. She is much happier and life has been so much better. I am very proud of her and only wish I had the same success. I  want you all to see how well she has done and why I smile at these pictures .


  1. wow thats an amazing transformation and not every one succeeds with a gastric bypass so she has done very well, i know it's easy to say to be happy with how you are, but it can have such a major impact on your life, i hope you find a way to battle the weight loss yourself, for yourself

    1. So true it takes a huge anount of work. Yes i hope i can not for vanity but for my health x

  2. Well done your daughter she is beautiful and has worked out how to manage her weight and live her life,a real achievement. #MagicMoments

  3. No wonder you're proud she looks amazing. What a brave decision to make! I bet she doesn't regret it! #magicmoments

    1. Thank you Catie i am very proud and no i think shes much happier with her life

  4. That is amazing, no wonder you are proud x

  5. She looks absolutely stunning! Congratulations to her for the baby. #MagicMoments


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