Sunday, 15 July 2012

Sleep well my baby

Sleep well my baby. Today I am sorry but I am feeling a little sad. I sat down to write a post and wanted to use a picture. As I scanned through my many pictures, I came across this one of my cat Cfer. She was my constant companion for 16 years. Always at my side day and night and always so happy to see me when I came home.
A few months ago she got sick and sadly we had to let her go. I have to say it broke my heart and I felt so sad . People say "Its only a pet, get over it"! For me she was more than a pet she was my baby. I still miss her every day and if you have lost a pet you know what that is like. So sorry for my  not so Jollyjilly today.
I say again Sleep Well my baby till we meet again xxxxxxxx


  1. Pets are just as much a family member as anyone else!

  2. So sorry Jilly - losing pets is very difficult. I hope you find your Jolly again soon. Rest in peace Cfer.

    1. Thanks Jennie I'm sure I will be jolly again but I'll always miss her

  3. Ah I'm sorry Jill. :( I lost my little Frodo a few years back. Its really hard. At least I still have Sammy but poor Sammy has taken a back seat since the kids were born. I still try to give him some Love in the evenings after the kids go to sleep. They know we love them though. Hang in there!

    1. Thank you so much Heather people are so kind mostly. I do have another cat but cefer was so special. Time heals but you never forget

  4. Oh Jill, I'm sorry about your kitty. I also know how you feel. Our 21 year old cat suddenly got very ill just a couple of weeks ago and we had to let her go too. It was hardest on my husband, who had Satchmo for all of those 21 years.

  5. Thank you shayna and I'm so sorry for your loss also. People under estimate the impact a loved pet can have on you. Iv lost a few over my life so far but cfer was so special it has been hard. Please tell your husband I so understand xxx

  6. aw. sweet kitty. we just got a new kitten and my little boy was asking me when she's going to die (we have lost one before.) not fun!
    Thanks for coming by

    1. Thank you Emily she was a dear sweet cat. I hope you have many years with your new kitten

  7. Have just started following, thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I hate when people say that about pets! I prefer my pets over some people any day of the week. Loosing a pet is terrible. My dog passed on more that 8 years ago and I still hurt =(

    1. Thanks for following and you are so right about pets they mean so much and leave such a huge hole when they leave


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