Friday, 28 February 2014

One of my most embrassing moment's

Ok so I was sitting thinking about what to write today. I was a bit umm about what should it be, then I started thinking about my childhood and fashion. I had seen someone on T.V talking about stockings and how men love them, but woman hate them.
As a child stocking and the belt to hold them up were still worn by women all over. The famous tights as we Brits call them or panty hose had not yet arrived. Just about when I was getting interested in what I wore there were a couple of weddings in the family.
My cousins got to be bridesmaids and I was so jealous lol. To top it off they got to wear stockings like a grown-up while I sported my ankle socks.

My mother thought I was far to young and no amount of begging would change her mind. Even in those days I was creative , and could sew from an early age. So I set off to make myself a grown up lady.
I "borrowed" a pair of my mother stockings and then found the hold up belt did not fit me, but would I give up ........No not me!

I pulled on those stocking and tied and sewed them till I was sure they were right. My mum wasn't mad in fact she laughed and said if I were confident they would stay up we could go to the shops. I felt so good as we walk to the shop, I was a proper lady in my stockings.

Then the worst thing happened ........ we got right in the middle of the shops with loads of people , I think it could have been a Saturday so really busy and disaster struck. I could feel them slowly slipping down my legs. I tried to hold them up but before I knew it they had hit my ankle. To be honest I don't think anyone of those busy shoppers noticed  this little girl with stockings around her ankle. I however was mortified!

As I got older the panty hose came into fashion and lucky for me there never was a repeat of the descending stockings again, thankfully.

Image from
not quite my look but gives you an idea lol

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