Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Sugar Flowers

The last few weeks I have been learning and making sugar flowers. Its something I have found I really like and find it very restful. Most flowers are simple to start with and then they can get really hard lol. If you look on the internet there are some masters at this job, much much better than I ever think I will get.

As I am in school learning cake design, part of our course was to make a sugar flower and display it and we had to make sure we stuck to the rules. I had learnt lots of different types of flowers but mainly roses and daisy's.

I thought I would be brave and try to make a flower that we had not covered in school. So I picked a orchid  It was hard as I had not learnt this during the class. I found it difficult at times as there were lots of bits which had to dry over night. So it took days to make one flower.
I was pleased with the end result and I know I will be carrying on 

This is the start point which was the item I picked to display my flowers on . As I was thinking of Orchids I thought it fitted with the theme. By the time I finished I was pleased with the look, although there is always lots of room for improvement. I think they look nice and I will keep on practising.

Photo: My level two sugar flowers


  1. I love cake design and I only ever make them for the kids birthday etc. But I've never made anything more than a daisy! Your orchids are GORGEOUS! Very well made as for a second I thought they were real! HAHA! Fabulous job. Thanks so much for linking up over on the #MMWBH xx

    1. Thank you so much Debs. I started out doing the kids cakes but took myself off to college and its gone from there lol

  2. That looks amazing, there is no way I could master that!! #MMWBH x

    1. Thank you so much I bet you could with the right teacher

  3. I love daisy's it would be a lovely wedding cake idea!

    1. Thank you and yes I think you have a good idea there it would make a good cake

  4. Wow, well I am impressed!


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