It arrived in a nice foil packet and at first I was wondering where all the samples where lol. When I opened the packet from Teavivre I found lots of different teas.
Teavivre are a group of tea lovers from China, Canada and France who all have a passion for drinking good tea. The word Teavivre means living or life and they hope that everyone can share the love of tea.
They select all kinds of tea and then you can order online.Normally tea arrives within 2-4 days.
I was faced with a problem straight away as I could not find my tea pot lol. The tea comes in a leaf so you need to brew in a proper tea pot. I sorted it out and made the white tea to start. I have to admit I was not sure if I should put milk in or not. I do like milk in my tea so it was a bit hard to drink it neat so to speak.
The white tea was nice and had a soft, smooth taste, I think you could get used to not having milk with this one.
There were a few other types of teas in my pack and most had a good flavour and if you enjoy good tea then you will be in heaven trying them all out. I do think for the British market maybe most would prefer milk but its up to personal preference.
I was not paid for this review just receiving a sample of the product
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