Monday, 24 March 2014

Magic Moments

This Monday I thought Would join in the magic moments link up. When you get to my age of 56 there are a lot of magic moments and also moments that are not so magic lol. I feel the older you get the more time you spend looking back on your life. I also find life seems to slip past so fast now.
I think I have had a good life so far and had much to be very grateful for. I married very young and thankfully we are still together nearly 35 years later. The one thing I was wanting was to be a mum.
We started trying for a baby the second we got married, sadly nothing happened and my dream seemed like it was not to be. We got advice and were told that it would happen in time.

After two years of trying that wonderful magic moment happened and and I found out I was pregnant at last. On the 28th November 1981 my darling son Matthew arrived. I can't say enough how much he was wanted and loved , I was a mum at last. At first I thought Matthew may have been my only child. I was so delighted with him and wanted nothing more than to enjoy him. Fate had another plan for me lol. Five years later on the 21st July 1986 our darling daughter Natalie arrived.

My life was complete I had two beautiful children and my world was a joy with them in it.
They are grown-up now and Matthew and his wife Karen are giving my first grandson in June. Natalie is at University studying to be a nurse.
I am so proud of them both and all they have achieved in their lives.
I hope they think I have been a good mum and you always worry you could have done more.
Thanks for have the Magic Moments Link up as I really enjoyed counting my blessings.


  1. You said 35 years! Wow... loved your story. So blessed you're!

    Thanks for your visit to my blog.

  2. 35 is so long and it's so lovely to hear about your children all grown up and achieving their dreams. I'll be "mid 30s" this year ;)

    1. Yes it is and thank you I'm very proud of them

  3. What a lovely look back at your own children and how wonderful to live all those happy times again with grandchildren.

    1. The older you get the more looking back you do lol

  4. awww my lovely what a beautiful post and what a lovely memory to remember!

    its lovely to have you linked up with #MagicMomoments xx


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