Monday, 7 July 2014

Great granddad Charlie

If you are kind enough to read my blog you will know that last month , my first grandson arrived. Lots of people wanted to meet him and it was a very special time. My grandson Nathan is very lucky. He has two wonderful parents and four wonderful grandparents ( if I do say so myself lol) and uncle and aunt, More important he is lucky enough to have a great granddad. His second name is Charlie after his great granddad and this week he got to meet him for the first time.
Its great Charlie can have this special time and I hope he and Nathan will be great friends in the future.


  1. This is the sweetest photo! Look at Grandad Charlies super happy face! xx

    1. I know lol it's very special to have a great granddad lol

  2. Replies
    1. He's super proud and the baby's second name is Charles lol after him

  3. Lovely photo - Congratulations on your beautiful new grandson.

  4. Oh, that is so lovely! My kids have one great grandmother and have been lucky enough to spend time with her. Very special indeed. Gorgeous photo x #MagicMoments

    1. Thank you Sara it's special to have a great grandparent isn't it.

  5. Such a lovely photo, so great for Great Granddad Charlie to meet his Great Grandson!

  6. awww Jill thats so lovely that he will have a great grandad xxx

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

  7. I think it great too Jaime he's so pleased lol. Pleasure as always cyber sister xxxx

  8. This is lovely - we are still at the parent stage and as older parents I doubt we will make it to great anythings! I hope these two have many happy years together and time for lots of lovely memories,

    1. It's special to have a great! We were only 23 when we had our first so we are lucky indeed


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