Friday, 9 June 2017

Natures Finest :Top Tips For Better Multi Tasking

Summer can be a really busy time for us all. While some have the easy days without having to drag the kids up and out to school, others still have to manage childcare through the long warm months.
Natures Finest have teamed up with time management expert, Mike Gardner and a whole lot of industry professionals to you top expert tips to help manage your day.

To show people how to make the most of their time, and increase productivity, Gardner advise people to "plan ahead", and focus on managing difficult tasks at your most productive time of day, and tackle the easier ones when you feel less energetic.

Gardner's top tips include:

1. Plan ahead and make a to -do list
2 Start with managing your most challenging task first
3 Tackle easier tasks when you feel less energetic.

To ensure the nation are making the most of their days, Nature's Finest has joined forces with so many people to bring their advice and skill to the table.

"Schedule work free family time. Life is busy and its all to easy to be on the go all the time" - Rachael Dunseath, MD and founder of Myroo Skincare.

" Its essential to make a to do list and estimate how long each task should take to enable the day to be planned " Yunus Lunat, Ison Harrison , The Law Society.

For me it seems like some days are an up hill struggle but you just keep going. I do think planning is key and also taking time to just be you!  We all tend to put far too much pressure on ourselves to have that perfect life, when in fact no ones life is perfect.

Would love to hear your tips for time management and I know Nature's Finest with be sharing tips and tricks on their
 social media so why not join in

Twitter: @NatfinestFruit
Facebook: @NaturesFinestUK
Instagram: @naturesfinestfruit

So I am going to time manage a long soak and then I am going to tuck into my yummy fruit pots !

please note I was not paid for this review just receiving a sample of the product

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