Saturday 19 February 2011


Today it's pouring down! I think when the weather is bad it does sometimes give you time to reflect!
As I said in other postings I have been thinking about my sister in law pat.
I always wanted a sister and when pat came into my life she was my dreamed for sister .
As a teenager I spent hours at her home, but she never complained ! We used to bundle up my niece Emma and nephew Sam and go off. Sometimes we would drive , and let me tell you that was not pats strong thing to do . Or we would walk for miles to a park.If it was park day we would pack some food and drink and set off. She would always say "it's not far" and miles later we would still be walking.
I never minded as I loved to be with them. I would tell her my secrets or worries, stuff I could not tell mum.
I'll go into some of the adventures we got in another day!
Happy weekend!

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