Monday, 4 July 2011

Dr. Who stag night!

Dr. Who stage night! What am I talking about ? My son's friend Darren is getting married soon, and as best man it fell to my son Matthew to organise the Stag night. Darren is a huge syfy fan and loves the time travelling show Dr. Who. He never misses a show and really loves everything about it.
So for his stag day Matthew first had them do a Marine commando course, were they got to be soldiers for the day and charge around like boys like to do lol.
Then in the evening they dressed Darren up as the Dr. and they rest dressed as Daleks the Dr's enemy.

They looked so fab I had to share with you today. A great time was had by all I think and well done to Matthew for giving Darren a Dr. who stag night  he will not forget.

If you are reading this and thinking who or what is Dr. Who check out for more information!


  1. New follower from Mom Blog Monday!

    Samantha @

  2. congratulated:What am I referring to ? My daughters companion Darren is planning a wedding soon, and as best man it dropped to my son Matthew to arrange the Stag evening. Darren is a large syfy fan and likes time visiting display Dr. Who. He never overlooks a display and really likes everything about it.stag partiesthe best site.


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