Thursday 27 October 2011

Mutu system Review week Two

Mutu system review week two has began. I don't know were the last week has gone its flown past.
Well it arrived in my inbox and I was keen to get started. I was impressed with the instruction's and detail to get you started.

Each stage was described in detail and also instructions that it was a nice easy start!
The video for the exercises was very clear and fairly easy to follow, I am sure once I get used to the way to perform them it will get easier.
As I said it was a very easy start more about correct form and getting in touch with your body.
My only problem was I have a very bad back which is much worse in the mornings, so I had to do my stuff later in the day.
I also had to fill in measurement's and so on and scary stuff take picture !!!!!!  Fear not I do not plan to share either one with you at this stage lol.
So its very early days and not much really to report as yet, but I am doing best as I can and if you would like anymore details check out the web site .

Mutu system week two here I come!

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