Tuesday 4 December 2012

Blog shall I shall I

Blog shall I shall I that is the question. Like most people at this time of year I am really busy. I have also had my husband retirement on top and there never seems to be enough hours in the day.
I have times when I love to write on my blog but then I have times when its hard to find things to say.

You do feel like you need to come up with the goods so to speak, and the pressure at times can have a reverse effect for me. I am going through a shall I shall I phase and wonder if I should carry on or not. Then I think of the last couple of years and all the fun and friends I have made and then feel bad if I don't.

This is a really short guilt post and I promise to make more effect ...... maybe lol
After I make 3 cakes, host and meeting and go to 3 Christmas dinners in the next week I will write more. I hope I am not alone and would love to know if you also get times like this.

Until we meet again x

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