Wednesday 9 January 2013

Jane Plan Day Two

Jane Plan Day Two

Morning everyone. Well its day two with my Jane Plan diet. I thought I would start with a recap of day one.
It went well and yes I was hungry a bit at times, but in general I was fine. Now considering its been Christmas and I have had enough bad food to sink a ship, I did fine.

I had a lovely muesli for breakfast. A piece of fruit mid day ok not as nice as a cake but hey you have to pay for your past crimes lol.
Then I had a lovely chilli with some green beans. My snack of some fruit biscuits I saved for later, as I normally get the munches working television.

I have to say I did not drink much water, but  I went and got a big bottle and I am making sure I do today.

So day two and I was up early. I have just had another lovely breakfast think and I plan to have one of the snack pots of lunch as they are yummy.
I am also going to try and make sure I don't sit so much.
If you want to join me then check out

Love to hear how you are all getting on with you adventures with weight loss as we all need support.


  1. I'm always keen to find a good diet plan I will check it out. Thanks for sharing


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