Sunday, 13 November 2011


Loneliness .... What does that mean to you? For me loneliness was something that hit hard this week.
My youngest child Natalie moved out. She had lived next to the house in her own apartment, so I saw her everyday.
We did a lot together and I also did a huge amount for her.
I have been a full time mum 30 years this month, and my role
As a housewife and mum well defined.
I am sure that I am not alone with my empty nest. The sense of lost at times was huge.
Children are such a huge part of everyday and to go from being hands on to nothing really hurt .
When my first child left home it wasn't as bad as my daughter was living at home. This time it was very hard.
Loneliness is so draining. You feel worn out and dragged down. The effort to pick yourself up is so hard, it's easy to see it could get worse and worse .
Lucky for me I have felt better over the last few days. I have a lovely family, my husband and children have been great . I am lucky to have them but many lonely people do not.
So if you know someone alone take time to speak to them and think you maybe the first person in days that they have seen.


  1. Sorry you're feeling so lonely, just the thought of my kids moving out makes me sad and I'm a good 16-18 years away from that :)

  2. thanks IIB Im feeling much better now but its hard

  3. Two of mine are gone. It almost killed me when my oldest moved to Texas with my grandson. I feel you!

    New follower from the I Love Blogging Hop.

  4. It's hard to begin with as you adjust to not being a fulltime mum a bit like mourning I thought afterwards but gradually you'll fill the gap and find other things to do. Eventually you may even find you kids exclaiming "you are doing what?" as they discover their mum is also an adult with a sense of fun & adventure much like their own so go on and try all those things you often wished you could.

    My two are long gone and are settled with their partners. We have moved so now both are 7 or 8 hours flying away but there is not a day when I don't think of them with love. I miss them but knowing they are well and getting on with life fills me with pride. And they seem think I am one crazy woman.


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