Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Life moves on

Life moves on is just what I have been thinking about today. Those who visit regularly (many thanks) will know I have had some life changing events in the last couple of years.

First my son Matthew married Karen, then just 5 weeks ago my daughter married Robin so its been busy.
Life is moving on so fast and I feel that in a blink is all gone! One second I was a young bride now we are facing early retirement, gosh when did all that happen?
When my children were young I used to moan to my mum about being tied down. She used to tell me to enjoy my time with them, it would go fast so quick you will be surprised at how fast they grow.

At the time I did not believe her as I think when you are at that end of life, its seem like a long endless tunnel at times. I had five years between my youngest and oldest so it was like being a new mum twice. I loved them both but did struggle a little with depression at times. Thankfully I had my mum in those days so that helped. Never ever did I not want to be their mum, and from the second they arrived I loved them with all my being.

Now the are grown and my baby about to fly and test her wings. I feel strange like a captain without a ship or a pilot without a plane. I have been mum for 30 years and retirement from day to day mum is hard.
I will always be their mum but I shall miss being needed daily, even if it is for washing or cleaning.

I need to find me again ...... I need to find Jill!
So if anyone has seen her then send her back as I have forgotten what she's like, and would be keen to get to know her again. Life moves on ..... for the better I hope!


  1. Hi! I am a new follower from the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop. Please check out my blog and follow if you would like :)


  2. HI! i'm your newest follower!!


  3. So very true, while my kids are a bit younger, I have two in university and one still at home I see the new phase on the horizon, time just whizzed by an my head is spinning.

  4. So true, except in my case I have a grown one and a grade school one. So I need to go ahead and find me or it may never happen. Found you through a hop and I hope you can have a moment today to reflect on this new part of your journey.


  5. Thank you all for your comments. I guess we will all get through this phase but it's hard :-(

  6. Hello Jill, I do sympethise with you, it is very hard, with Charlotte being 16 and spending most of her time at hayleys iv wondered who Mandy is, iv been in tears and tears but its something we have to do, we are Mums and its hard not to be needed as much xx


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