Monday 10 December 2012

weight Loss

Weight loss is the subject of this new week. When I think of how many hours, weeks , months or years I have worried about my weight its scary. I had a weight problem since I was young and I have let it rule my life. I have been very slim and very overweight and nearly very overweight as now.
I eat healthy and never fry food and attempt to be good most of the time. I have a huge problem now with arthritis which is totally controlling my life. It also creates a circle as I need to lose weight to help my arthritis but my arthritis stops me doing any fitness.
I even had a gastric band 2 years ago which was only a minor success and has just reinforced the sense of failure for me.
My children have been brought up the same but one has a problem, one does not??
My daughter recently decided to have a gastric bypass. It was long thought over and in the end she felt it was best for her. She is only 26 and fights every day with chronic fatigue at times, so being overweight makes it hard.
So its been a few weeks and she is doing great she has lost 70 pounds and I see a new woman !
I wish she could have done it using normal diet methods but I know how hard it is and I think she has done well.

After Christmas I will try again and I will keep fighting as always. I wish everyone who struggles with weight and pain , well and lets keep going.


  1. I So know what its like. People should not make any judgements re weight as its a hard life to live. Best of luck

    1. thanks and yes it is a hard road and with pain on top makes it worse. i am very proud of my daugher

  2. So pleased to hear that your daughter's op was successful, but sad to hear you are suffering. Joy xx


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